Preetika Venkatesh

Name: Preetika Venkatesh.
Died: June 13, 2024.
Age at death: 3.
Cause of death: Homicide (Strangled).
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Preetika lived with her mother and twin sister; their father, a software engineer, was working abroad. Preetika and her twin were both autistic, but Preetika’s autistic traits were much stronger. When Preetika’s mother applied for her and her sister to attend a preschool, only Preetika’s sister was accepted.

When Preetika was three years, ten months old, her mother brought her to the hospital, unresponsive, and Preetika was declared dead from strangulation. Police, who interviewed Preetika’s mother, said, “Upon questioning, the mother said she was worried about how her daughter would lead her life as she was autistic and hence, she decided to murder her.”

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