Brandon White

Photo of Brandon White, a young man with fair skin and very short brown hair. He has ears that stick out a little, and a long nose. He is pressing his lips together.Name: Brandon Leon White.
Died: January 8, 2013.
Age at death: 15.
Cause of death: Asphyxiation.
Location: Denison, Texas, USA.

Brandon, 15 years old, was described as “the biggest sweetheart ever” by a friend on a memorial dedicated to him. He read to her, talked, hugged her, and said he would marry her one day.

But Brandon would not live to marry.

Brandon had epilepsy and bipolar disorder, but he hadn’t taken his medication for a while–his family said they couldn’t afford it. Instead of getting him the medication, Brandon’s mother’s boyfriend tied him up and gagged him, then put a pillow over his face to make him stop struggling.

One night, he found Brandon dead. Police saw that Brandon’s wrists, ankles, and mouth were raw from having been tied. His face was bruised; he had been hit sometime that night. In fact, Brandon had often been hit. A neighbor said Brandon’s mother’s boyfriend, a felon who had been convicted of robbery and rape (among other things), beat Brandon.

Brandon’s killer confessed to the murder, but later retracted the statement. The case went to trial and a guilty verdict, and he was sentenced to 90 years for murdering Brandon.

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